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"Every day I lay my hands on God’s gift to you. The work of touch is an honor."  Patty 

About Me

Massage came first, like a quirk really. Especially considering I’d never even had a massage. But I’d made up my mind and off to school I went. I rationalized this quirk by telling myself that education is always valuable. Little did I know I would begin to receive the most extraordinary — and most bizarre — education imaginable. The bodies themselves clearly communicated through touch: directing, demanding, revealing internal connections and rhythms.

The first year in my new career, I worked for a chiropractor performing sixteen ½ hour sessions a day. One day he called me into his office and asked me how I was doing it. “Doing what?” I replied perplexed, thinking I was in trouble! “How are you getting these results with no patient complaints? I’ve never seen this before!” (Oh that! Hmm, private practice here I come!) That was nearly 30 years ago now and I’ve never looked back!


The authentic body workshops came next. I couldn’t imagine that I was receiving this amazing tutelage solely for my own benefit. I could think of nothing more exciting than sharing the quantum truth about body. The first was in 1994 in Palm Beach, FL. That beginning has now evolved into “an experience”; time spent playfully experiencing your authentic self, true north, deep core.

Finally, in 2001, I developed the workshop for my fellow massage therapists, Bodywork & Intuition, as a nationally certified continuing education provider with National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage Bodywork.

All my work, massage and presenting workshops, is my passion and where I thrive. I must say, though, that massage is my bedrock and always leads me back home.

Are you ready to thrive? Blossom? Nurture your soul? Transform — or resolve  your current state? Come, join me for a massage, a workshop or both.


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